Over the years, as another generation helped work the land, the crops changed a little to include pumpkins and vegetables. The livestock took a back seat and eventually disappeared. A pumpkin festival arose along with a vegetable farm market in the summer.
The feed store filled the gap for sales in the winter and spring, and also in summer and fall. Great-grandchildren are learning how to make and grow products to include in both markets, such as hedge apples and crafts.
What this farm will grow for the next generation, will be a wonderful surprise. The past and current caretakers of this land will educate the youngest generation on how to treat customers with respect, and also, how to take good care of the land for the generations to come.
Great-great Grandpa and Grandma Dussel purchased this farm in 1948. It was filled with cattle, pigs, sheep and chickens; they, along with their son and his wife, also raised many different field crops.